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Why should you join GRW?


When Georgia Romance Writers first opened its doors, it was to encourage both published and unpublished authors to get together, mingle and network.  They had just one rule for the unpublished. Come to as many meetings as you like, but you have to promise us one thing:  when you’re published, come back because you most likely got published from contacts you made here.


This is an ideal that still holds true today, over three decades later.

Here at Georgia Romance Writers, you will find some of the best men and women you’ll ever meet in your writing career.  People who encourage and help you on your way to publication whether it’s your first book or your fiftieth.  We want you to succeed.  We’re readers as much as we’re writers and we want your books.


GRW is a well-respected organization; we offer a large variety of workshops to help you no matter the genre, traditionally published or self-published.  You’ll find an active PAN (Published Author Network) and our brand new G-SPAN (Georgia Self-Published Authors Network).


Among the great people and networks you’ll find with us, you’ll also receive a discount to attend our Moonlight & Magnolias Conference every October and to enter our Maggie Awards – a prestigious award for excellence among both published and unpublished authors.


We host a meeting every month, which always include a fabulous guest speaker or workshop, including our Virginia Ellis Critique Workshop (open to GRW members only).  This is a unique workshop held every April where an unpublished author can send in the first chapter of their manuscript to be critiqued by a published author.


Why should you join GRW? For networking, workshops, an absolutely amazing conference (hey, we have dancing!) and to meet some of the best friends you’ll make in your career.


Information about G-PRO and G-PAN



G-PRO serves the members who are pursuing publication, but are still waiting for “the call” from a publisher. G-PRO promotes the interests of GRW members who have submitted at least one completed manuscript, but have not yet been published, and, to enhance communication between those members and publishing professionals.




The purpose of the G-PAN a network of communication and support to effectively promote and protect the interests of published romance authors; to open channels of communication between those romance authors and other publishing industry professionals; and to encourage professionalism on all levels and in all relationships within the publishing industry.


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